WHERE PEOPLE COME TO COOK, THINK, SHARE. We offer FREE Recipes to everyone visiting our store. Click on the Tab below RECIPES. This site contains affiliate links to products we ourselves Love and Use in our own Personal and Professional Kitchens. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links, but that in no way shape or form does it sway our opinion on the products we recommend. In fact, if we do not like a product, we don't recommend it!

Who Loves Fresh Pasta? ? ? ? ? ?Learn how to Cook Like you are an Italian! Best Prices for Maple or Walnut Long Rolling Pins or As they are called in Italy, Mattarello's 35" X 2" OR 47" X 2" PLUS free PRIORITY shipping in the continental USA

$115 for the 35 inch in Maple or Walnut

$125 for the 47 inch in Maple or Walnut

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We all need Retail Therapy sometimes...even at home!

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In The Kitchen With Dana...

Where people come to get inspired to create the foods they love, but are fearful of failure. We embrace failure in the kitchen. It is how we learn and grow when life hands us lemons...and the lemons are rotten.

We all have to start somewhere. Some of us have been cooking for a long time. Some have never thought of cooking anything, even something as simple as a cup of Hot Chocolate. 

Whether it's because you never had the interest before now, or the opportunity was never presented to you, the time has come to put your big pants on and start learning. And burning something like your stove or oven may present itself...just have a box of salt or baking soda nearby to put out any physical fires. With that said, cooking, especially when you are learning, is something you want to attempt when you have the time and energy to FOCUS. Otherwise you fail before you even start. Cooking is about timing and multitasking. It is one thing to put a load of laundry in the washer, it is another when you have somewhere to go in 15 minutes. Give yourself ample time so there are the least amount of failures. Like we said, failing is ok. But sometimes we need to succeed too.

We will be adding the tools you need to succeed and recipes that have been tested and loved so that there is minimal failure. Maybe even none...but if you do fail, no worries. We will teach you to realize where the mistakes were and how to succeed on your next, attempt. Even the worlds best chefs fail at times, remaking a dish until they get the recipe just right. Sometimes we fail because we measured wrong, added the wrong ingredient,  our oven isn't the correct temperature, or needed the right tool.  Don't be afraid. Failing is sometimes half the journey. There is no better feeling, besides giving to others, than failing and then getting up and wiping our hands off to go on to win the race. That's learning to cook! Failing and facing your fears to make the best version of a dish or recipe possible.